Mariya Kozhanova
"Kaliningrad is a small Russian enclave with long and ambivalent history. Threegenerations built their lives on this land which somehow still remains “foreign”.Among them my grandparents. Both my parents were born here, so am I. BeforeWW2, it was the heart of East Prussia and after became part of the Soviet Union.
Thisland had faced two great powers that once held both supreme ideals and greatambitions which now became a shameful part of human timeline. Times of great idealswere giving people a guidance, while working towards higher principles, let them aimfor eternity.
But greatness, owed back to people for their hard work and dedication,was never returned. It was lost on the pages of history as the Greatness of Regime orGreatness of God. We got stuck in constant transitions, remembering suffers frompersecutions, nobody could be sure that it would not happen again. Meanwhile, time-spirals spin. People learn to live life of "small actions" and deal with the inneruncertainty."
- Freie Fotografin